Pictured above: Northern Health Volunteers Carmen, Maria, Rhonda and Doris at Northern Hospital Epping.
Volunteers play an important part in helping Northern Health deliver outstanding health care for our community.
They also support the Northern Health Foundation to raise vital funds to purchase medical equipment for Northern Hospital Epping, Broadmeadows Hospital, Bundoora Centre and Craigieburn Centre.
Just some of the projects the Volunteers have funded include medical equipment for our Women’s and Children’s wards, Renal Dialysis Unit, Rehabilitation Unit and Respiratory Medicine.
Volunteers take on a range of roles to support the Foundation including administration, fundraising, donations via the Coffee, Tea and Goods trolley’s for patients and visitors at Northern Hospital Epping and Broadmeadows Hospital.
They are also active in supporting our annual special events program by volunteering their time to assist with event logistics and fundraising at the events. Our special events include the Northern Health Foundation Annual Dinner, Community Fun Run, Race Day, Oaks Day, Josie Minniti Dinner Dance and Trudi Hay High Tea.
The Foundation and Volunteer Services Team partner with community groups such as Red Cross, Whittlesea City Salvos, Whittlesea Craft Group, Kangaroo Ground Knitters and local schools to further support Northern Health and the Foundation.